Ingham County is committed to assuring the identification and provision of services most important to its citizens in the achievement of its vision. County services will be high quality, cost effective, and easily accessible; to be delivered in cooperation and collaboration with its citizens and other community and governmental organizations. These will be delivered by a highly motivated, well-trained, service-oriented workforce, utilizing effective technology and guided by the highest ethical standards.
CMHA-CEI's mission is to fulfill two complementary but distinct roles in realizing this vision:
Behavioral healthcare provider – Providing, directly and through partnerships, a comprehensive set of person-centered, high quality, and effective behavioral health and developmental disability services to the residents of this community. Advocate, catalyst, thought leader, and convener – Fostering the transformation of all aspects of community life, eliminating inequities, and promoting the common good for all, especially for persons with mental health needs.
It is the mission of the Ingham County Sheriff's Office to assist the citizens of Ingham County in our mutual desire for a safe and secure community through our dedication to provide correctional, law enforcement, and related services at the highest possible standards, while respecting the rights of all. The Sheriff's Office is located in Mason, Michigan and ranks 7th largest in size out of 83 departments in the State of Michigan. The Ingham County Jail ranks 5th largest in size, housing nearly 601 inmates. The Sheriff's Office is nationally recognized as a leader in both law enforcement and corrections.
Michigan State University, a member of the Association of American Universities and one of the top 100 research universities in
the world, was founded in 1855. We are an inclusive, academic community known for our traditionally strong academic disciplines and professional programs, and our liberal arts foundation. Our cross- and interdisciplinary enterprises connect the sciences, humanities, and professions in practical, sustainable, and innovative ways to address society’s rapidly changing needs.
Slang Terms and Code Words: A Reference for Law Enforcement Personnel
DEA Intelligence Brief, July 2018